Reduction of bias images


The following documentation has been prepared executing the commands in a terminal running the bash shell. If you are using the Z shell (that at the time of writing is the default in mac OS) it is important to remember that the wildcards employed in some filabres parameters need to be provided enclosed in double quotes.


Filabres computes master calibration images for each night. Within each night, individual calibration exposures within a given time span (given by the keyword maxtimespan_hours in the file configuration_cafos.yaml) are combined. Note that in order to be included in a particular master calibration, the corresponding individual images should also have the same signature, i.e., the same values for the set of FITS keywords listed under signature in the file configuration_cafos.yaml for the considered image type (bias, flat-imaging,…).

The first calibration images to be reduced are the bias frames. The reduction is performed by using the reduction step bias:

$ filabres -rs bias
* Number of nights found: 58
Working with signature SITE#1d_15__1650__1650__[251,221:1900,1870]__1__1
Creating bias/170225_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170224-21:27:48-cal-krek_red.fits
Working with signature SITE#1d_15__1000__2048__[501,1:1500,2048]__1__1
Creating bias/170225_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170225-10:03:09-cal-bomd_red.fits

* Working with night 170226_t2_CAFOS (2/58)
Working with signature SITE#1d_15__1000__2048__[501,1:1500,2048]__1__1
Creating bias/170226_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170226-11:39:37-cal-bomd_red.fits


* Working with night 171230_t2_CAFOS (58/58)
Working with signature SITE#1d_15__800__800__[601,601:1400,1400]__1__1
Creating bias/171230_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20171229-10:12:35-cal-lilj_red.fits
* program STOP

Several warning messages may appear during the reduction of these images (they should be the same found when classifying the images; just ignore them).

Note that within each night one (or several) master bias images are created. The information on the terminal indicates the corresponding signature.

The master bias frames are stored in the subdirectory bias under the current directory:

$ tree bias
├── 170225_t2_CAFOS
│   ├── bias_caf-20170224-21:27:48-cal-krek_red.fits
│   ├── bias_caf-20170224-21:27:48-cal-krek_red.log
│   ├── bias_caf-20170225-10:03:09-cal-bomd_red.fits
│   └── bias_caf-20170225-10:03:09-cal-bomd_red.log
├── 170226_t2_CAFOS
│   ├── bias_caf-20170226-11:39:37-cal-bomd_red.fits
│   └── bias_caf-20170226-11:39:37-cal-bomd_red.log
├── 171228_t2_CAFOS
│   ├── bias_caf-20171228-13:31:20-cal-bard_red.fits
│   ├── bias_caf-20171228-13:31:20-cal-bard_red.log
│   ├── bias_caf-20171228-13:50:00-cal-agui_red.fits
│   └── bias_caf-20171228-13:50:00-cal-agui_red.log
└── 171230_t2_CAFOS
    ├── bias_caf-20171229-10:12:35-cal-lilj_red.fits
    └── bias_caf-20171229-10:12:35-cal-lilj_red.log

If you want to get more information concerning the reduction of these type of images, just add -v to increase the verbosity level. For example, we can try to repeat the reduction of the last night 171230_t2_CAFOS:

$ filabres -rs bias -n 171230* -v
* instrument: cafos
* datadir: /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017
* ignored_images_file: ignored_images.yaml
* image_header_corrections_file: image_header_corrections.yaml
* forced_classifications_file: forced_classifications.yaml
* Loading instrument configuration
* Number of nights found: 1
* List of nights: ['171230_t2_CAFOS']

Results database set to filabres_db_cafos_bias.json

Subdirectory bias found
maxtimespan_hours: 1

* Working with night 171230_t2_CAFOS (1/1)
Reading file ./lists/171230_t2_CAFOS/imagedb_cafos.json
Number of bias images found 10
Subdirectory bias/171230_t2_CAFOS found
Number of different signatures found: 1
Signature (1/1):
 - CCDNAME: SITE#1d_15
 - NAXIS1: 800
 - NAXIS2: 800
 - DATASEC: [601,601:1400,1400]
Total number of images with this signature: 10
-> Number of images with expected signature and within time span: 10
File bias/171230_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20171229-10:12:35-cal-lilj_red.fits already exists: skipping reduction.
* program STOP

In the last execution, filabres has detected that the output image already exists. For that reason the reduction of the corresponding files has been halted in order to avoid overwritting the output file. You can force the repetition of the reduction by using the additional argument --force in the command line:

$ filabres -rs bias -n 171230* -v --force
* instrument: cafos
* datadir: /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017
* ignored_images_file: ignored_images.yaml
* image_header_corrections_file: image_header_corrections.yaml
* forced_classifications_file: forced_classifications.yaml
* Loading instrument configuration
* Number of nights found: 1
* List of nights: ['171230_t2_CAFOS']

Results database set to filabres_db_cafos_bias.json

Subdirectory bias found
maxtimespan_hours: 1

* Working with night 171230_t2_CAFOS (1/1)
Reading file ./lists/171230_t2_CAFOS/imagedb_cafos.json
Number of bias images found 10
Subdirectory bias/171230_t2_CAFOS found
Number of different signatures found: 1

Signature (1/1):
 - CCDNAME: SITE#1d_15
 - NAXIS1: 800
 - NAXIS2: 800
 - DATASEC: [601,601:1400,1400]
Total number of images with this signature: 10
-> Reduction starts at.: 2020-03-26 16:38:09.283082
Working with signature SITE#1d_15__800__800__[601,601:1400,1400]__1__1
-> Number of images with expected signature and within time span: 10
 - /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:12:35-cal-lilj.fits
 - /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:13:11-cal-lilj.fits
 - /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:13:48-cal-lilj.fits
 - /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:14:23-cal-lilj.fits
 - /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:14:59-cal-lilj.fits
 - /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:15:35-cal-lilj.fits
 - /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:16:11-cal-lilj.fits
 - /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:16:48-cal-lilj.fits
 - /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:17:24-cal-lilj.fits
 - /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:18:00-cal-lilj.fits
-> Output fname will be: bias/171230_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20171229-10:12:35-cal-lilj_red.fits
Deleting bias/171230_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20171229-10:12:35-cal-lilj_red.fits
WARNING: deleting previous database entry: bias --> SITE#1d_15__800__800__[601,601:1400,1400]__1__1 --> 58116.42725
Creating bias/171230_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20171229-10:12:35-cal-lilj_red.fits
Creating bias/171230_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20171229-10:12:35-cal-lilj_red.log
-> Reduction ends at...: 2020-03-26 16:38:09.525570
-> Time span...........: 0:00:00.242488
* program STOP

For this particular night, the bias images exhibit a single signature. The 10 available individual frames where obtained within one hour (the maxtimespan_hours value). For that reason all of them are selected to be combined in a single master bias frame. The name of the output file is taken from the first image in the sequence of 10 images, adding the prefix bias_ and the suffix _red (the latter prior to the extension .fits). In addition, a log file with the same name as the output file, but with the extension .log, is also generated.

Database of master bias frames

The reduction of the bias images generates a file, placed in the current directory, called filabres_db_cafos_bias.json. This constitutes a database with the information of all the master bias images, sorted by signature and, within each signature, sorted by the Modified Julian Date (FITS keyword MJD-OBS). In this way, when a master bias is needed in the reduction of flatfield or a scientific image, filabres can determine the required calibration signature and then select the closest calibration to the corresponding observation time.


Feel free to skip the rest of this subsection. This information is not essential for the regular use of filabres.

The structure of filabres_db_cafos_bias.json is the following:

  "bias": {...}
  "signaturekeys": [...]

Under signaturekeys one finds the list of FITS keywords that determine the signature of each master bias frame:


The bias key contains a nested dictionary:

   "SITE#1d_15__1650__1650__[251,221:1900,1870]__1__1": {...}
   "SITE#1d_15__1000__2048__[501,1:1500,2048]__1__1": {...}
   "SITE#1d_15__1024__1024__[513,513:1536,1536]__1__1": {...}
   "SITE#1d_15__800__800__[625,625:1424,1424]__1__1": {...}
   "SITE#1d_15__512__850__[256,100:768,950]__2__2": {...}
   "SITE#1d_15__1400__2048__[301,1:1700,2048]__1__1": {...}
   "SITE#1d_15__850__512__[100,256:950,768]__2__2": {...}
   "SITE#1d_15__1700__1700__[201,201:1900,1900]__1__1": {...}
   "SITE#1d_15__850__850__[100,100:950,950]__2__2": {...}
   "SITE#1d_15__800__800__[601,601:1400,1400]__1__1": {...}
   "SITE#1d_15__400__2048__[801,1:1200,2048]__1__1": {...}
   "SITE#1d_15__801__1027__[624,561:1424,1587]__1__1": {...}
   "SITE#1d_15__501__501__[250,250:750,750]__2__2": {...}

Each displayed key is the signature string built from the concatenation of the involved FITS keyword values. Within each signature one finds another nested dictionary where the keys are the Modified Julian Date:

  "57809.42257": {...}
  "57810.48956": {...}
  "57890.69435": {...}
  "57891.57056": {...}
  "57897.69934": {...}
  "57898.17553": {...}
  "57898.69377": {...}
  "57899.16265": {...}
  "57899.65963": {...}
  "57900.17332": {...}
  "57900.69400": {...}
  "57901.68921": {...}
  "57905.54971": {...}

Within each date, the contents have the following structure:

"57809.42257": {
  "night": "170225_t2_CAFOS",
  "signature": {
    "CCDNAME": "SITE#1d_15",
    "NAXIS1": 1000,
    "NAXIS2": 2048,
    "DATASEC": "[501,1:1500,2048]",
    "CCDBINX": 1,
    "CCDBINY": 1
  "fname": "bias/170225_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170225-10:03:09-cal-bomd_red.fits",
  "statsumm": {
    "NPOINTS": 2048000,
    "FMINIMUM": 0.5,
    "QUANT025": 657.0,
    "QUANT159": 661.5,
    "QUANT250": 663.5,
    "QUANT500": 665.5,
    "QUANT750": 668.0,
    "QUANT841": 669.5,
    "QUANT975": 673.0,
    "FMAXIMUM": 13798.0,
    "ROBUSTSTD": 3.3358499999999998
  "masterkeywords": {
    "NAXIS": 2,
    "NAXIS1": 1000,
    "NAXIS2": 2048,
    "OBJECT": "[bias]",
    "RA": 303.714233,
    "DEC": 37.23009,
    "EQUINOX": 2000.0,
    "DATE": "2017-02-25T10:03:09",
    "MJD-OBS": 57809.4188,
    "AIRMASS": 1.0,
    "EXPTIME": 0.0,
    "INSTRUME": "CAFOS 2.2",
    "CCDNAME": "SITE#1d_15",
    "ORIGSECX": 2048.0,
    "ORIGSECY": 2048.0,
    "CCDSEC": "[501,1:1500,2048]",
    "BIASSEC": "[0,1:0,2048]",
    "DATASEC": "[501,1:1500,2048]",
    "CCDBINX": 1,
    "CCDBINY": 1,
    "IMAGETYP": "bias",
    "INSTRMOD": "Polarizer",
    "INSAPID": "SLIT",
    "INSTRSCL": 0.53,
    "INSTRPIX": 24.0,
    "INSTRPX0": 1054.57,
    "INSTRPY0": 1060.85,
    "INSFLID": "FILT-12",
    "INSFLNAM": "free",
    "INSGRID": "GRISM- 1",
    "INSGRNAM": "blue-100",
    "INSGRROT": 359.72,
    "INSGRWL0": 423.8,
    "INSGRRES": 0.199,
    "INSPOROT": 0,
    "INSFPZ": 0,
    "INSFPWL": "not used",
    "INSFPDWL": "not used",
    "INSFPORD": "not used",
    "INSCALST": false,
    "INSCALID": "Lamp",
    "INSCALNM": "    /    /"
  "norigin": 10,
  "originf": [

Without entering into too many details, the displayed information includes the file name for the corresponding master bias fname, the individual images involved originf, the values of all the FITS keywords listed in masterkeywords, and the statistical summary of the master image statsumm, to mention the most relevant items.

Checking the bias reduction

Fortunately, you do not need to manually examine the file filabres_db_cafos_bias.json to check the reduction of bias images.

The argument -lr/--list_reduced allows to list the result of the reduction of some particular images. It works in a similar way as the -lc/--list_classified argument, previously used to list the classified images (be careful not to confuse them).

If you simply execute:

$ filabres -lr
Valid imagetypes:
- bias (available=True)
- flat-imaging (available=False)
- flat-imaging-wollaston (available=False)
- flat-spectroscopy (available=False)
- arc (available=False)
- science-imaging (available=False)
- science-imaging-wollaston (available=False)
- science-spectroscopy (available=False)

you get a list of possible image types. Note that here only bias is available (is the only reduction step we have performed so far).

In order to check the reduction of the bias images just execute:

$ filabres -lr bias
filabres -lr bias
1   bias/170225_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170224-21:27:48-cal-krek_red.fits
2   bias/170225_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170225-10:03:09-cal-bomd_red.fits
3   bias/170226_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170226-11:39:37-cal-bomd_red.fits
82  bias/170807_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170808-04:55:29-cal-schn_red.fits
83  bias/170928_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170928-15:14:46-cal-wenj_red.fits
84  bias/170929_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170929-14:26:11-cal-wenj_red.fits
Total: 84 files

It is possible to filter the list by night (wildcards allowed here). For example, for the first night:

$ filabres -lr bias -n 170225*
1  bias/170225_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170224-21:27:48-cal-krek_red.fits
2  bias/170225_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170225-10:03:09-cal-bomd_red.fits
Total: 2 files

There are two master bias for this night, with different signature. It is possible to display them (-pi):

$ filabres -lr bias -n 170225* -pi
Reduced bias image 1, night 20170224 Reduced bias image 2, 20170224

You can use -k all to show the whole list of available keywords:

$ filabres -lr bias -k all
Valid keywords: ['NAXIS', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2', 'OBJECT', 'RA', 'DEC',
'NPOINTS', 'FMINIMUM', 'QUANT025', 'QUANT159', 'QUANT250', 'QUANT500',

Remember that you can generate a table with any selection of these keywords (-k <keyword1> -k <keyword2>...), sort that table by any combination of keywords (-ks <keyword1> -ks <keyword2>...), and generate XY plot with combinations of numerical keywords (-pxy).

For the bias images, it is interesting to check the plot that compares the evolution of the median bias level (QUANT500) with the observation date (MJD-OBS), sorting the table by robust standard deviation (ROBUSTSTD):

$ filabres -lr bias -k mjd-obs -k quant500 -ks robuststd -pxy
        MJD-OBS   QUANT500  ROBUSTSTD                                                               file
79  58073.58750  657.00000  1.48260    bias/171116_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20171116-14:06:06-cal-lilj_red.fits
59  58078.64000  666.00000  1.85325    bias/171121_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20171121-15:21:37-cal-bomd_red.fits
46  58057.59300  665.00000  2.22390    bias/171101_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20171031-14:14:01-cal-agui_red.fits
57  57933.73719  666.00000  8.89560    bias/170629_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170629-17:41:33-cal-mirl_red.fits
53  57876.04090  698.00000  14.08470   bias/170502_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170503-00:58:59-sci-alex_red.fits
14  57905.54600  723.00000  24.09225   bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits
Total: 84 files
Variation of the reduced bias level and the robust standard devitation

Since we have sorted this last table by ROBUSTSTD, the last row, which corresponds to bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits, indicates that this image has an unusually high median and robust standard deviation. That image corresponding to night 20170601. Let’s display the master bias generated in that night:

$ filabres -lr bias -k mjd-obs -k quant500 -ks robuststd -n 170601* -pi
      MJD-OBS  QUANT500  ROBUSTSTD                                                               file
2  57905.6352  680.0     5.18910    bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-15:14:47-cal-pelm_red.fits
1  57905.5460  723.0     24.09225   bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits
Total: 2 files

The first master bias looks normal:

Reduced bias 1 from 20170601

However, the second bias exhibit a clear illumination gradient, specially noticeable in the upper left corner of the detector:

Reduced bias 2 from 20170601

It is likely that the individual bias exposures employed to generate the last master bias frame have the same problem. You can verify this by using -of/--originf <path_reduced_calibration_image>, that list the individual images employed in the generation of a particular reduced calibration image (this new arguments allows the additional use of -k <keyword>, -ks <keyword>, -pxy and -pi):

$ filabres -of bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits \
-k quant500 -k robuststd
Signature: SITE#1d_15__1000__2048__[501,1:1500,2048]__1__1
Available images with this signature:
MJD-OBS: 57809.42257, calibration: bias/170225_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170225-10:03:09-cal-bomd_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57810.48956, calibration: bias/170226_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170226-11:39:37-cal-bomd_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57890.69435, calibration: bias/170517_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170517-16:34:30-cal-bomd_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57891.57056, calibration: bias/170518_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170518-13:36:14-cal-bomd_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57897.69934, calibration: bias/170524_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170524-16:41:41-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57898.17553, calibration: bias/170524_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170525-04:07:28-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57898.69377, calibration: bias/170525_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57899.16265, calibration: bias/170525_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170526-03:48:53-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57899.65963, calibration: bias/170526_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170526-15:44:34-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57900.17332, calibration: bias/170526_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170527-04:04:16-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57900.69400, calibration: bias/170527_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170527-16:34:04-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57901.68921, calibration: bias/170528_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170528-16:27:05-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57905.54971, calibration: bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits (*)
List of individual frames:
  (involved in the computation of bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits)
    QUANT500  ROBUSTSTD                                                                                      file
1   722.0     25.2042    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd.fits
2   722.0     25.2042    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:07:26-cal-bomd.fits
3   722.0     25.2042    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:08:38-cal-bomd.fits
4   722.0     25.2042    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:09:50-cal-bomd.fits
5   722.0     25.2042    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:11:02-cal-bomd.fits
6   723.0     25.9455    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:12:14-cal-bomd.fits
7   723.0     25.2042    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:13:25-cal-bomd.fits
8   723.0     25.2042    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:14:37-cal-bomd.fits
9   723.0     25.2042    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:15:48-cal-bomd.fits
10  723.0     25.9455    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:17:01-cal-bomd.fits
Total: 10 files

The output of the last command provides very useful information:

  • Signature: indicates the particular signature of the calibration image.

  • Available reduced images with this signature: the modified Julian Date and the name of the calibration file is given. An asterisk (*) appears after the name of the reduced image we are investigating. The list reveals that there are other reduced bias images with the same signature. This is important because if we decide to remove the suspicious calibration image, there will be additional calibration images with the same signature that can be employed (although from different nights).

  • List of individual frames: list of individual images employed in the reduction of the reduced image indicated after the argument -of. This list is a table with the additional requested keywords.

In this case, we confirm that the high median and robust standard deviation values are also present in the individual images employed to generate the suspicious reduced bias image. Not only that. The illumination gradient is also present in the 10 individual images, as can be easily visualized using -pi:

$ filabres -of bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits \
-k quant500 -k robuststd -pi

(Note: the 10 displayed images are quite similar to the one shown here)

Individual wrong bias night 20170601

The problem that we have detected with those bias images may be present in other images as well. In order to dig a bit more in this issue, it is useful to inspect other reduced bias frames with high ROBUSTSTD.

(filabres ) $ filabres -lr bias -k quant500 -ks robuststd

Let’s have a look to images with ROBUSTSTD > 5:

$ filabres -lr bias -k quant500 -ks robuststd --filter 'k[robuststd] > 5' -pi

Apart from bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits, there is another reduced bias with the same problem: bias/170525_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh_red.fits:

Reduced bias 1 from 20170525

Again, we examine the individual exposures associated to this last reduced image:

$ filabres -of bias/170525_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh_red.fits \
-k quant500 -k robuststd -pi
Signature: SITE#1d_15__1000__2048__[501,1:1500,2048]__1__1
Available images with this signature:
MJD-OBS: 57809.42257, calibration: bias/170225_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170225-10:03:09-cal-bomd_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57810.48956, calibration: bias/170226_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170226-11:39:37-cal-bomd_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57890.69435, calibration: bias/170517_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170517-16:34:30-cal-bomd_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57891.57056, calibration: bias/170518_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170518-13:36:14-cal-bomd_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57897.69934, calibration: bias/170524_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170524-16:41:41-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57898.17553, calibration: bias/170524_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170525-04:07:28-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57898.69377, calibration: bias/170525_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh_red.fits (*)
MJD-OBS: 57899.16265, calibration: bias/170525_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170526-03:48:53-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57899.65963, calibration: bias/170526_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170526-15:44:34-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57900.17332, calibration: bias/170526_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170527-04:04:16-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57900.69400, calibration: bias/170527_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170527-16:34:04-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57901.68921, calibration: bias/170528_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170528-16:27:05-cal-boeh_red.fits
MJD-OBS: 57905.54971, calibration: bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits
List of individual frames:
  (involved in the computation of bias/170525_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh_red.fits)
    QUANT500  ROBUSTSTD                                                                                      file
1   683.0     11.8608    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh.fits
2   683.0     11.8608    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:34:51-cal-boeh.fits
3   683.0     11.8608    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:36:02-cal-boeh.fits
4   683.0     11.8608    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:37:14-cal-boeh.fits
5   682.0     11.8608    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:38:26-cal-boeh.fits
6   682.0     11.8608    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:39:37-cal-boeh.fits
7   678.0     8.1543     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:40:49-cal-boeh.fits
8   678.0     8.1543     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:42:01-cal-boeh.fits
9   678.0     8.1543     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:43:13-cal-boeh.fits
10  678.0     8.1543     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:44:25-cal-boeh.fits
Total: 10 files

Again, the problem is present in the individual images.

Removing invalid reduced bias


In order to remove a particular reduced calibration (in this case a master bias) it is important to follow all the steps here given.

  1. Include the individual images involved in the generation of the reduced image in ignored_images.yaml: in this example, we want to exclude 10 images from night 170525_t2_CAFOS and another set of 10 images from 170601_t2_CAFOS. The easiest way is to repeat the execution of the last filabres command, by adding -lm basic (basic list mode), which will provide a list of ten files that we can cut and paste in the file ignored_images.yaml. Step by step, the procedure is:

    • 1.a. For the first wrong reduced bias execute:

      $ filabres -of bias/170525_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh_red.fits -lm basic
      List of individual frames:
      (involved in the computation of bias/170525_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh_red.fits)
       - caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh.fits
       - caf-20170525-16:34:51-cal-boeh.fits
       - caf-20170525-16:36:02-cal-boeh.fits
       - caf-20170525-16:37:14-cal-boeh.fits
       - caf-20170525-16:38:26-cal-boeh.fits
       - caf-20170525-16:39:37-cal-boeh.fits
       - caf-20170525-16:40:49-cal-boeh.fits
       - caf-20170525-16:42:01-cal-boeh.fits
       - caf-20170525-16:43:13-cal-boeh.fits
       - caf-20170525-16:44:25-cal-boeh.fits
      Total: 10 files

      For the second wrong reduced bias:

      $ filabres -of bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits -lm basic
      List of individual frames:
      (involved in the computation of bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits)
       - caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd.fits
       - caf-20170601-13:07:26-cal-bomd.fits
       - caf-20170601-13:08:38-cal-bomd.fits
       - caf-20170601-13:09:50-cal-bomd.fits
       - caf-20170601-13:11:02-cal-bomd.fits
       - caf-20170601-13:12:14-cal-bomd.fits
       - caf-20170601-13:13:25-cal-bomd.fits
       - caf-20170601-13:14:37-cal-bomd.fits
       - caf-20170601-13:15:48-cal-bomd.fits
       - caf-20170601-13:17:01-cal-bomd.fits
      Total: 10 files
    • 1.b. Cut and paste each block of 10 lines starting by - into the file ignored_image.yaml, creating a new block for each night. Considering that we already had 4 blocks in this file, we insert two new blocks blocks (the order of the blocks is irrelevant, but here we preserve the order given by the observing night just to facilitate the organization of the blocks), so the final content of this file is:

       1# file ignored_images.yaml
       3# generated automatically by filabres v.1.3.0
       5# creation date 2023-03-10T18:19:57.364437
       7night: 170506_t2_CAFOS
       8enabled: True
      10 - caf-20170505*.fits
      12night: 170507_t2_CAFOS
      13enabled: True
      15 - caf-20170505*.fits
      17night: 170525_t2_CAFOS
      18enabled: True
      20 - caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh.fits
      21 - caf-20170525-16:34:51-cal-boeh.fits
      22 - caf-20170525-16:36:02-cal-boeh.fits
      23 - caf-20170525-16:37:14-cal-boeh.fits
      24 - caf-20170525-16:38:26-cal-boeh.fits
      25 - caf-20170525-16:39:37-cal-boeh.fits
      26 - caf-20170525-16:40:49-cal-boeh.fits
      27 - caf-20170525-16:42:01-cal-boeh.fits
      28 - caf-20170525-16:43:13-cal-boeh.fits
      29 - caf-20170525-16:44:25-cal-boeh.fits
      31night: 170601_t2_CAFOS
      32enabled: True
      34 - caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd.fits
      35 - caf-20170601-13:07:26-cal-bomd.fits
      36 - caf-20170601-13:08:38-cal-bomd.fits
      37 - caf-20170601-13:09:50-cal-bomd.fits
      38 - caf-20170601-13:11:02-cal-bomd.fits
      39 - caf-20170601-13:12:14-cal-bomd.fits
      40 - caf-20170601-13:13:25-cal-bomd.fits
      41 - caf-20170601-13:14:37-cal-bomd.fits
      42 - caf-20170601-13:15:48-cal-bomd.fits
      43 - caf-20170601-13:17:01-cal-bomd.fits
      45night: 171217_t2_CAFOS
      46enabled: True
      48 - caf-20171225*.fits
      50night: 171219_t2_CAFOS
      51enabled: True
      53 - caf-20171218*.fits

      Note that the new blocks correspond to the highlighted lines 17 to 43. In this case, the explicit names of the files have been used (no wildcards employed).

  2. Re-run the image classification for the corresponding observing nights: this will regenerate the local image database imagedb_cafos.json for 170525_t2_CAFOS and 170601_t2_CAFOS, ignoring the problematic files. Note that if you simple execute:

    $ filabres -rs initialize -n 170525*
    * Number of nights found: 1
    File ./lists/170525_t2_CAFOS/imagedb_cafos.json already exists: skipping directory.
    * program STOP

    nothing really happens because the local database already exists. You have to force the classification in order to override the database file (using the argument --force):

    $ filabres -rs initialize -n 170525* --force
    * Number of nights found: 1
    * Working with night 170601_t2_CAFOS (1/1) ---> 62 FITS files
    * program STOP

    Check that the images have in fact been ignored:

    $ filabres -lc ignored -n 170525*
    1   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh.fits
    2   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:34:51-cal-boeh.fits
    3   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:36:02-cal-boeh.fits
    4   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:37:14-cal-boeh.fits
    5   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:38:26-cal-boeh.fits
    6   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:39:37-cal-boeh.fits
    7   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:40:49-cal-boeh.fits
    8   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:42:01-cal-boeh.fits
    9   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:43:13-cal-boeh.fits
    10  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170525_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170525-16:44:25-cal-boeh.fits
    Total: 10 files

    Repeat the same for the second night:

    $ filabres -rs initialize -n 170601* --force
    * Number of nights found: 1
    * Working with night 170601_t2_CAFOS (1/1) ---> 96 FITS files
    * program STOP
    $ filabres -lc ignored -n 170601*
    1   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd.fits
    2   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:07:26-cal-bomd.fits
    3   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:08:38-cal-bomd.fits
    4   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:09:50-cal-bomd.fits
    5   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:11:02-cal-bomd.fits
    6   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:12:14-cal-bomd.fits
    7   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:13:25-cal-bomd.fits
    8   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:14:37-cal-bomd.fits
    9   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:15:48-cal-bomd.fits
    10  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:17:01-cal-bomd.fits
    Total: 10 files
  3. Remove the problematic reduced images from filabres_db_cafos_bias.json, the database that contains all the reduced bias frames. Note that the undesired reduced calibration is not only still present in that database, but the reduced FITS files are still under the bias subdirectory that hosts all the reduced bias frames (so far we have only removed the individual original FITS files from the classication of the images).

    Taking care of removing both the reduced images from the database and the actual FITS files from the hard disk is handled by filabres using a single command. For the first wrong reduced bias:

    $ filabres --delete bias/170525_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh_red.fits
    Image to be deleted bias/170525_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh_red.fits
    Signature: SITE#1d_15__1000__2048__[501,1:1500,2048]__1__1
    MJD-OBS..: 57898.69377
    Number of reduced bias images with this signature: 13
    -> Updating filabres_db_cafos_bias.json
    -> Deleting file bias/170525_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170525-16:33:40-cal-boeh_red.fits
    * program STOP

    For the second wrong reduced bias:

    $ filabres --delete bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits
    Image to be deleted bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits
    Signature: SITE#1d_15__1000__2048__[501,1:1500,2048]__1__1
    MJD-OBS..: 57905.54971
    Number of reduced bias images with this signature: 12
    -> Updating filabres_db_cafos_bias.json
    -> Deleting file bias/170601_t2_CAFOS/bias_caf-20170601-13:06:15-cal-bomd_red.fits