Filabres installation


Filabres is a Python package: Python 3.7 or greater is recommended.

Although you probably already have a Python interpreter installed in your system, it is a good idea to follow the instructions given in this section.

As explained below, the use of conda will help you to isolate the installation of a particular set of Python interpreter and auxiliary packages in something called an environment, which will prevent the collision of the particular version of the Python interpreter and Python packages with any previous Python installation in your computer.

Our recommendation: to use Miniconda to handle the installation of the proper Python interpreter and some auxiliary packages. Note that Miniconda and Anaconda are not the same thing. Actually, Miniconda is a smaller alternative to Anaconda. Miniconda just contains the conda package manager and Python. After installing this, you can add individual Python packages easily using conda. On the other hand, Anaconda contains not only conda and Python, but also a large collection of additional Python packages. By installing simply Miniconda you reduce the amount of packages preinstalled in your system (after installing Miniconda it is possible to install Anaconda by executing conda install anaconda).

Conda installation

Visit the Miniconda webpage to download the installer appropriate for your operating system. Although the original code was developed using Python 3.7, ensure you select a recent Python version.

If you have updated the $PATH system variable during the Miniconda or Anaconda installation, you can call conda commands directly in the shell, like this:

$ conda info

If not, you will need the add the path to the command, like:

$ /path/to/conda/bin/conda info

In this guide we will write the commands without the full path, for simplicity.

Create a conda environment

The new environment, which arbitrarily (and not surprisingly) will be called filabres, can be created indicating the use of the last version of Python 3, together with some additional packages:

$ conda create --name filabres python=3 \
astropy \
ipython \
matplotlib \
numpy \
pandas \
python-dateutil \
PyYaml \
scipy \

and answer y to the question Proceed ([y]/n)?

Activate the environment

$ conda activate filabres

which yields a different system prompt to the user:

(filabres) $

Installing additional Python packages

The Gaia data employed to determine the astrometric calibration requires the use of the astroquery package, which can be easily installed with conda:

(filabres) $ conda install -c conda-forge astroquery

Deactivate the environment

To exit the environment is enough to exit the terminal or run the following command:

(filabres) $ conda deactivate

Removing the environment

If at a given point you need to remove the environment, deactivate that environment and remove it through conda:

(filabres) $ conda deactivate
$ conda remove --name filabres --all

To verify that the environment was removed, execute:

$ conda info --envs

If you want to know more about conda, have a look to the on-line documentation.

Installing the development version of filabres

The development version is the most updated working version of the code. It can be easily installed in your system by executing the following steps:

  1. Activate the environment:

$ conda activate filabres
(filabres) $
  1. Download the development version using git:

(filabres) $ git clone
(filabres) $ cd filabres
  1. Build and install the code:

(filabres) $ pip install -e .

If you have filabres already installed in your system, but want to update the code with the latest version, you need to move to the same directory where you previously cloned the repository, pull the latest changes of the code, and reinstall it:

(filabres) $ cd filabres
(filabres) $ git pull
(filabres) $ pip install -e .
  1. Check that filabres works:

(filabres) $ filabres-version
Version: 1.3.0

Note that your version can be different to the one shown above.

To display a help message on the terminal use the argument -h/--help:

(filabres) $ filabres -h

Required additional software packages

The astrometric calibration is delegated to two well-known software packages specially suited for this task:

  • determines an initial astrometric calibration using a gnomic projection RA---TAN-SIP and DEC--TAN-SIP, with SIP (Simple Imaging Polynomial) distortions. The required binaries are build-astrometry-index and solve-field. This initial astrometric calibration is refined by using the tools.

  • sextractor and scamp are employed to detect the image sources and perform a refined astrometric calibration, using the TPV World Coordinate System to map the image distortions.


Note that the astrometric calibration is performed using GAIA data downloaded from the internet on real time while executing filabres. This means that a live internet connection is required for the code to work properly.

Installing tools

For the installation of this code you can use conda to install within the filabres environment:

(filabres) $ conda install -c conda-forge astrometry

or follow the instructions given in Building/installing the code.

In macOS it is also possible to use the package manager Homebrew:

(filabres) $ brew install astrometry-net

Installing tools

The initial astrometric solution found with the tools can be refined using the programs sextractor and scamp. Both codes can be installed using conda:

(filabres) $ conda install -c conda-forge astromatic-source-extractor
(filabres) $ conda install -c conda-forge astromatic-scamp

or follow the instructions provided in the official web pages for sextractor and scamp.

If either of these two programs (sextractor or scamp) is not installed, the refinement process is skipped during the astrometric calibration.