Image classification

Rules for the classification of the images

The image classification will take place by generating a local database (a JSON file called imagedb_cafos.json) for each observing night. For this purpose, filabres will follow the rules provided in the instrument configuration file configuration_cafos.yaml. Note that this file is embedded in the distribution source code, under the directory filabres/instrument/.


Since the modification of the file configuration_cafos.yaml could change the classification of the images perfomerd by filabres, in principle this file should not be modified by a normal user. In any case, if you want to change it, it will be necessary to reinstall the code for the changes to be applied.


The following documentation has been prepared executing the commands in a terminal running the bash shell. If you are using the Z shell (that at the time of writing is the default in mac OS) it is important to remember that the wildcards employed in some filabres parameters need to be provided enclosed in double quotes.

In its first hierarchical level, this file configuration_cafos.yaml defines the following keys: instname, version, requirements, masterkeywords, and imagetypes:

instname: cafos
version: 2.3
  - NAXIS      # number of data axes
  - NAXIS1     # length of data axis 1
  - NAXIS2     # length of data axis 2
  - OBJECT     # Target description
  • instname: the instrument name.

  • version: the version of the instrument configuration file.

  • requirements: the value of predefined FITS keywords that must be satisfied in order to classified the initial image within one of the categories defined below. If these requirements are not fulfilled, the image will be classified as wrong-instrument. For this particular example, a single requirement has been defined: the keyword INSTRUME must be defined in the FITS header and must be set to CAFOS 2.2.

  • masterkeywords: list of keywords that must be stored in the local database.

  • imagetypes: the different categories into which the initial images will be classified are provided as second-level dictionary of image types (e.g.: bias, flat-imaging, science-imaging, etc.). In order to proceed with this classification, each image type should be defined according to a third-level dictionary of keywords. For example, the image type bias is defined as:

        executable: True
        classification: calibration
          IMAGETYP: ['bias']
          EXPTIME: 0.0
          QUANT975.LT.: 1000
          - CCDNAME
          - NAXIS1
          - NAXIS2
          - DATASEC
          - CCDBINX
          - CCDBINY
        maxtimespan_hours: 1

    The corresponding section for flat-imaging is:

      executable: True
      classification: calibration
        IMAGETYP: ['flat', 'domeflat', 'twilight']
        INSGRID: 'GRISM-11'
        INSPOFPI.NE.: 'Wollaston'
        EXPTIME.GT.: 0
        QUANT975.GT.: 5000
        QUANT975.LT.: 60000
        - CCDNAME
        - NAXIS1
        - NAXIS2
        - DATASEC
        - CCDBINX
        - CCDBINY
        - INSGRID
        - INSFLID
        - INSPOFPI
        - INSPOROT
      maxtimespan_hours: 1
      basicreduction: True

    Another example: the science-imaging type is defined as:

      executable: True
      classification: science
      maxfieldview_arcmin: 16
        IMAGETYP: ['science']
        INSGRID: 'GRISM-11'
        INSPOFPI.NE.: 'Wollaston'
        EXPTIME.GT.: 0
        QUANT975.LT.: 60000
        - CCDNAME
        - NAXIS1
        - NAXIS2
        - DATASEC
        - CCDBINX
        - CCDBINY
        - INSGRID
        - INSFLID
        - INSPOFPI
        - INSPOROT
        - RA
        - DEC
      maxtimespan_hours: 0
      basicreduction: True

    The relevant keywords in this third-level dictionary are:

    • executable: if True, the reduction of this image type has been considered in filabres. Otherwise, the implementation of the reduction of this type of images is still pending.

    • classification: so far only two possibilities are valid here: calibration or science. Note that calibration images will be combined to generate master calibrations (e.g., bias frames obtained in a predefined time span will be coadded), whereas science frames will be independently reduced (i.e., without image coaddition).

    • requirements: conditions on FITS keywords that must be met in order to classify a particular image within the considered category. All these requirements are mandatory. Otherwise the image will be classified as unclassified. Important: note here that IMAGETYP should be defined as a list of possible names. For example, in the case of flats exposures in imaging mode, possible values for this keyword are flat, domeflat or twilight.

    • requirementx: additional set of requirements . If any of these new requirements is not met, the image will be classified as wrong-<imagetype> (e.g., bias-wrong, flat-imaging-wrong, etc.). Note that the separation of the requirements in these two sets (requirements and requirementx) allows to generate a classification where images initially classified within a given image type (because they verify all the requirements) can be flagged as suspicious because they exhibit an unexpected property (defined in the requirementx), such as anomalous exposure time or signal.

    • maxtimespan_hours: calibration images with the same signature and within this maximum time span are combined prior to their reduction and generation of a single master calibration. Bias images are averaged using a median combination (note that the median combination gets rid of cosmic rays). Flat images are normalized prior to their median combination. Science images are reduced individually (i.e., maxtimespan_hours: 0).

    • basicreduction: logical flag that indicates whether science images are reduced using the master calibrations. This flag should always be True.

Note that images previously included in the file ignored_images.yaml will be classified as ignored.

Inital image classification

The image classification is performed by starting the reduction step initialize. Reduction steps are executed with the argument -rs/--reduction_step.

Just to see the available reduction steps, execute:

$ filabres -rs
ERROR: missing reduction step / image type!
Initial options are:
- initialize  (available: True)
- bias  (available: True)
- flat-imaging  (available: True)
- flat-imaging-wollaston  (available: False)
- flat-spectroscopy  (available: False)
- arc  (available: False)
- science-imaging  (available: True)
- science-imaging-wollaston  (available: False)
- science-spectroscopy  (available: False)

Next to each displayed reduction step you can see whether the considered reduction step is actually available or not (not available means that filabres will classify the corresponding images within that category but the reduction of those images is still missing in the code).

Since we are now interested in starting with the image classification, execute: (note that this can take several minutes!):

$ filabres -rs initialize
* Number of nights found: 58
* Working with night 170225_t2_CAFOS (1/58) ---> 140 FITS files
* Working with night 170226_t2_CAFOS (2/58) ---> 55 FITS files
* Working with night 171228_t2_CAFOS (57/58) ---> 50 FITS files
* Working with night 171230_t2_CAFOS (58/58) ---> 383 FITS files
* program STOP

A few warnings may be raised during the execution of the program. In particular for the CAFOS 2017 data, the MJD-OBS is negative in some images and filabres recomputes it. In other cases, HIERARCHCAHA DET CCDS is found, when it sould be HIERARCH CAHA DET CCDS.

After the execution of previous command, a new subdirectory lists should have appear in your working directory, containing subdirectories for all the observing nights:

$ ls lists/
170225_t2_CAFOS/ 170524_t2_CAFOS/ 170807_t2_CAFOS/ 171108_t2_CAFOS/
170226_t2_CAFOS/ 170525_t2_CAFOS/ 170809_t2_CAFOS/ 171116_t2_CAFOS/
170319_t2_CAFOS/ 170526_t2_CAFOS/ 170811_t2_CAFOS/ 171120_t2_CAFOS/
170331_t2_CAFOS/ 170527_t2_CAFOS/ 170825_t2_CAFOS/ 171121_t2_CAFOS/
170403_t2_CAFOS/ 170528_t2_CAFOS/ 170903_t2_CAFOS/ 171209_t2_CAFOS/
170408_t2_CAFOS/ 170601_t2_CAFOS/ 170918_t2_CAFOS/ 171217_t2_CAFOS/
170420_t2_CAFOS/ 170602_t2_CAFOS/ 170926_t2_CAFOS/ 171218_t2_CAFOS/
170422_t2_CAFOS/ 170621_t2_CAFOS/ 170928_t2_CAFOS/ 171219_t2_CAFOS/
170502_t2_CAFOS/ 170627_t2_CAFOS/ 170929_t2_CAFOS/ 171221_t2_CAFOS/
170505_t2_CAFOS/ 170628_t2_CAFOS/ 171002_t2_CAFOS/ 171223_t2_CAFOS/
170506_t2_CAFOS/ 170629_t2_CAFOS/ 171008_t2_CAFOS/ 171225_t2_CAFOS/
170507_t2_CAFOS/ 170713_t2_CAFOS/ 171011_t2_CAFOS/ 171228_t2_CAFOS/
170517_t2_CAFOS/ 170720_t2_CAFOS/ 171015_t2_CAFOS/ 171230_t2_CAFOS/
170518_t2_CAFOS/ 170724_t2_CAFOS/ 171016_t2_CAFOS/
170519_t2_CAFOS/ 170731_t2_CAFOS/ 171101_t2_CAFOS/

Within each night, a file imagedb_cafos.json should have been created, storing the image classification, as well as an additional file imagedb_cafos.log storing a log with the result of the classification (together with those WARNINGS raised during the image classification).

$ ls lists/170225_t2_CAFOS/
imagedb_cafos.json  imagedb_cafos.log

All the warnings raised in the classification of the CAFOS 2017 data can safely be ignored.

Examine the image classification

Select image type

Although you can always try to open any of the files imagedb_cafos.json directly (using a proper JSON editor), filabres provides an easier way to examine the image classification previously performed (using the argument -lc/--list_classified <imagetype>). For example, to list the different image types available:

$ filabres -lc
Valid imagetypes:
- bias
- flat-imaging
- flat-imaging-wollaston
- flat-spectroscopy
- arc
- science-imaging
- science-imaging-wollaston
- science-spectroscopy
- wrong-bias
- wrong-flat-imaging
- wrong-flat-imaging-wollaston
- wrong-flat-spectroscopy
- wrong-arc
- wrong-science-imaging
- wrong-science-imaging-wollaston
- wrong-science-spectroscopy
- wrong-instrument
- ignored
- unclassified

You can repeat the same command by adding any of the above image types:

$ filabres -lc bias
1    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:27:48-cal-krek.fits
2    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:29:09-cal-krek.fits
3    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:30:31-cal-krek.fits
824  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:16:48-cal-lilj.fits
825  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:17:24-cal-lilj.fits
826  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:18:00-cal-lilj.fits
Total: 826 files

By default the list displays the full path to the original files.

Select image type and observing nights

It is possible to constraint the list of files to those corresponding to a given subset of nights (using the argument -n/--night <night>; wildcards are valid here):

$ filabres -lc bias -n 1702*
1   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:27:48-cal-krek.fits
2   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:29:09-cal-krek.fits
3   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:30:31-cal-krek.fits
28  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170226_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170226-11:47:59-cal-bomd.fits
29  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170226_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170226-11:49:11-cal-bomd.fits
30  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170226_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170226-11:50:23-cal-bomd.fits
Total: 30 files

Remember: when using wildcards in a terminal running the Z shell, you need to enclose the corresponding item with double quotes:

$ filabres -lc bias -n "1702*"

Select image type and relevant keywords

You can also display the values of relevant keywords belonging to the masterkeywords list in the file configuration_cafos.yaml. If you don’t remember them, don’t worry: use first -k/--keyword all to display all the available keywords:

$ filabres -lc bias -k all
Valid keywords: ['NAXIS', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2', 'OBJECT', 'RA', 'DEC',
'NPOINTS', 'FMINIMUM', 'QUANT025', 'QUANT159', 'QUANT250', 'QUANT500',


Note that, apart from the keywords belonging to the masterkeywords list in the file configuration_cafos.yaml, some additional statistical keywords are also available:

  • NPOINTS: number of points in the image

  • FMINIMUM, FMAXIMUM: mininum and maximum signal in the image.

  • QUANT025, QUANT159,… QUANT975: 0.025, 0.159, 0.250, 0.500, 0.750, 0.841 and 0.975 quantiles of the data.

  • ROBUSTSTD: robust estimate of the standard deviation, computed as 0.7413*(QUANT750-QUANT250).

Let’s display the values of a few of keywords: QUANT500 (the image median), QUANT975 (the quantile 0.975 of the image), and ROBUSTSTD (the robust standard deviation of the image):

$ filabres -lc bias -k quant500 -k quant975 -k robuststd
      QUANT500   QUANT975  ROBUSTSTD                                                                                      file
1    666.00000  686.00000  11.11950   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:27:48-cal-krek.fits
2    666.00000  687.00000  10.37820   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:29:09-cal-krek.fits
3    666.00000  683.00000  10.37820   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:30:31-cal-krek.fits
824  658.00000  680.00000  11.11950   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:16:48-cal-lilj.fits
825  658.00000  680.00000  11.11950   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:17:24-cal-lilj.fits
826  658.00000  680.00000  11.11950   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171230_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171229-10:18:00-cal-lilj.fits
Total: 826 files

Note that each keyword is preceded by -k (following the astropy convention for the fitsheader utility).

If instead of using -k/--keyword you use -ks/--keyword_sort, the list will be sorted according to the selected keywords (several keys can be used for a hierarchical sorting):

$ filabres -lc bias -k quant500 -k quant975 -ks robuststd
      QUANT500   QUANT975  ROBUSTSTD                                                                                      file
456  661.40002  666.70001  2.81693    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170929_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170929-13:52:35-cal-bias.fits
206  667.00000  683.00000  6.67170    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170526-15:44:34-cal-boeh.fits
207  667.00000  683.00000  6.67170    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170526-15:45:45-cal-boeh.fits
241  723.00000  776.00000  25.94550   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:12:14-cal-bomd.fits
245  723.00000  776.00000  25.94550   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-13:17:01-cal-bomd.fits
311  693.00000  729.00000  25.94550   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170628_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170628-17:29:10-cal-pelm.fits
Total: 826 files

Now the values in the column ROBUSTSTD have appeared sorted (note that the sorted keys are always the last columns preceding the file column in the table, independently of their location in the command line).

Is is also possible to generate plots with the selected keywords. For that purpose, employ the -pxy argument:

$ filabres -lc bias -k mjd-obs -k quant500 -k quant975 -ks robuststd -pxy
Classified bias images

The previous image is a pairs plot, that allows to see both the distribution of values of each (numeric) keyword and the relationships between any two of them.

Filtering the list

It is also possible to filter the displayed list by using --filter EXPRESSION, where EXPRESSION is any generic logical expression involving valid keywords (i.e., belonging to the masterkeywords list) written as a valid Python command, but using the special syntax k[<keyword>] to specify the keywords. Note that arithmetic and logical operators are valid in EXPRESSION.

For example, we can filter imposing fixed image dimensions:

$ filabres -lc bias -k naxis1 -k naxis2 --filter "k[naxis1]==1650 and k[naxis2]==1650"
   NAXIS1 NAXIS2                                                                                      file
1   1650   1650   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:27:48-cal-krek.fits
2   1650   1650   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:29:09-cal-krek.fits
3   1650   1650   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:30:31-cal-krek.fits
4   1650   1650   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:31:52-cal-krek.fits
5   1650   1650   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:33:14-cal-krek.fits
6   1650   1650   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:34:36-cal-krek.fits
7   1650   1650   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:35:57-cal-krek.fits
8   1650   1650   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:37:19-cal-krek.fits
9   1650   1650   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:38:41-cal-krek.fits
10  1650   1650   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170224-21:40:03-cal-krek.fits
Total: 10 files

The keywords employed in EXPRESSION do not have to be explicitly shown in the table using -k <keyword> (in the last example they appear because we want to check that the --filter argument is working properly).

Is there something wrong with the image classification?

Before moving to the reduction of the calibration images, it is important to check the image classification. In this sense, a few image types should be revised, as shown in the following subsections.


We are going to skip the image types wrong-flat-spectroscopy, wrong-arc and wrong-science-spectroscopy because we are initially interested in working only with direct imaging calibrations and observations.

Wrong instrument

There should be no images classified as wrong-instrument:

$ filabres -lc wrong-instrument
Total: 0 files


These are images that could not be classified according to the rules defined in configuration_cafos.yaml:

$ filabres -lc unclassified -k object
               OBJECT                                                                                      file
1  [focus] Telescope   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170225-18:44:14-tst-test.fits
2  [focus] Telescope   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170505_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170506-02:53:44-tst-test.fits
3  ETALON_calibration  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-14:00:42-sci-etac.fits
4  ETALON_calibration  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170628_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170628-16:26:53-sci-etac.fits
5  ETALON_calibration  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170628_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170628-16:35:52-sci-etac.fits
6  [focus] Telescope   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170807_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170807-21:10:39-cal-schn.fits
Total: 6 files

Only 6 images appear in this category. The keyword OBJECT indicates that they correspond to some auxiliary (telescope focus) or calibration (etalon) images that we are not going to use in the reduction of our data. So, we can safely ignore them.

Interstingly, filabres allows you to display all of them in sequence adding the argument -pi (plot image):

$ filabres -lc unclassified -k object -pi

Here we show the first two images:

Unclassified image 1 Unclassified image 2


These are simply the images that we have included in the file ignored_images.yaml:

$ filabres -lc ignored
1    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170506_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170505-09:57:54-cal-agui.fits
2    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170506_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170505-09:58:58-cal-agui.fits
3    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170506_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170505-10:00:02-cal-agui.fits
253  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171219_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171218-17:43:07-cal-bard.fits
254  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171219_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171218-17:45:23-cal-bard.fits
255  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171219_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171218-17:47:46-cal-bard.fits
Total: 255 files

Wrong bias

These are the bias images that passed the requirements set in configuration_cafos.yaml but not the requirmentx:

$ filabres -lc wrong-bias
Total: 0 files


Wrong flat-imaging

These are the flat-imaging images that passed the requirements set in configuration_cafos.yaml but not the requirmentx:

$ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging
Total: 228 files

There are 228 images in classified in this category. It is useful to check a few keywords:

$ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging --filter "k[exptime] == 0"
Total: 0 files

Nothing wrong with EXPTIME.

Let’s examine the signal, using the median QUANT500 and the quantile 0.975 (sorting in the latter):

$ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k quant500 -ks quant975
Total: 228 files

The last table reveals several cases:

  1. Images with unexpectedly low signal:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k quant500 -ks quant975 --filter "k[quant500] < 100"
       QUANT500  QUANT975                                                                                      file
    1 -0.01052  -0.00291   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170929_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170929-14:38:37-cal-delt.fits
    2  0.99903   1.00470   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170929_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170929-14:40:39-cal-quot.fits
    Total: 2 files

    There are only two images in this situation. The visual examination reveals that they lack even the bias level (the median QUANT500 should be around the usual bias signal, in this case slightly below 700 ADUs, which is not the case):

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k quant500 -ks quant975 --filter "k[quant500] < 100" -pi
    Wrong flat-imaging with low signal

    These two images will be ignored.

  2. Images incompatible with being flat images attending to the signal level:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k quant500 -ks quant975 -k imagetyp \
    -k object -k exptime --filter "100 < k[quant500] < 800"
       QUANT500 IMAGETYP        OBJECT  EXPTIME  QUANT975                                                                                      file
    5  705.0     flat     [flat] sky R  0.5      731.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170929_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170929-18:27:21-cal-wenj.fits
    3  706.0     flat     [flat] sky R  1.0      732.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170929_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170929-18:23:42-cal-wenj.fits
    4  706.0     flat     [flat] sky R  0.5      732.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170929_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170929-18:25:39-cal-wenj.fits
    6  705.0     flat     [flat] sky R  10.0     732.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170929_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170929-18:28:45-cal-wenj.fits
    1  706.0     flat     [flat] sky R  0.5      733.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170929_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170929-18:21:50-cal-wenj.fits
    2  706.0     flat     [flat] sky R  15.0     733.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170929_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170929-18:22:37-cal-wenj.fits
    Total: 6 files

    Note that although the exposure times are larger than zero, the signal is basically compatible with that expected in a bias frame. The visual inspection of these 6 images shows that this is the case:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k quant500 -ks quant975 -k imagetyp \
    -k object -k exptime --filter "100 < k[quant500] < 800" -pi
    Wrong flat-imaging, likely bias frame

    These 6 images are going to be ignored.

  3. Flat images with low signal: these images can be selected by filtering those with a median value in the interval [800, 50000], and by looking for the word flat in the description provided by the FITS keyword OBJECT (note here the flexibility of the --filter argument that allows to write an explicit Python logical expression):

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k quant500 -ks quant975 -k object \
    -k exptime --filter "800 < k[quant500] < 50000 and 'flat' in k[object].lower()"
       QUANT500       OBJECT  EXPTIME  QUANT975                                                                                      file
    2  1050.0    [Flat]Sky U  5.0      1096.0    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170628_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170628-20:17:39-cal-mirl.fits
    1  3539.0    [Flat]Sky U  5.0      3696.0    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170627_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170627-20:07:30-cal-mirl.fits
    3  3786.0    [Flat]Sky U  60.0     3947.0    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170628_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170628-20:18:47-cal-mirl.fits
    4  4752.0    [Flat]Sky U  180.0    4952.0    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170628_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170628-20:23:30-cal-mirl.fits
    Total: 4 files

    These images were classified as wrong-flat-imaging because QUANT975 was lower than 5000 ADUs (this is one of the requirementx for this type of images).

    We are going to modify the automatic image classification performed by filabres by forcing these 4 images to be reclassified as valid flat-imaging frames. To perform this manual classification, the first step is the inclusion of those files in the file configuration YAML file forced_classifications.yaml:

     1# file forced_classifications.yaml
     3# generated automatically by filabres v.1.3.0
     5# creation date 2023-03-10T18:19:57.374064
     8# sky flat with low signal
     9night: 170627_t2_CAFOS
    10enabled: True
    12 - caf-20170627-20:07:30-cal-mirl.fits
    13classification: flat-imaging
    17# sky flat with low signal
    18night: 170628_t2_CAFOS
    19enabled: True
    21 - caf-20170628-20:17:39-cal-mirl.fits
    22 - caf-20170628-20:18:47-cal-mirl.fits
    23 - caf-20170628-20:23:30-cal-mirl.fits
    24classification: flat-imaging

    Ignoring the initial comment lines (starting by #), here we have created two blocks, separated by --- (the YAML block separator). Important: the separator must not appear before the first block nor after the last block. Within each block, the following arguments must be provided:

    • night: observing night. Note that wildcards can not be used here, although the same night label can appear in different blocks.

    • enabled: this key indicates that the current block must be used (this keyword allows a quick way to disable a whole block by setting this value to False, without the need of removing it from this file).

    • files: is the list of files to be considered within the specified night. The list of files can be provided by given the name of each file in separate line, preceded by an indented - symbol. Wildcards are valid here.

    • classification: classification label for the images listed in the block.

    Additional comment lines (starting by #) or blank lines can be used in this YAML file.

    Once we have inserted the 4 problematic images within this file, we can repeat the classification of these files. Since the images correspond to two different nights, it is necessary to repeat the classification in the corresponding nights:

    $ filabres -rs initialize -n 170627* --force
    $ filabres -rs initialize -n 170628* --force

    Note that the argument --force has been used to force the repetition of the reduction for those nights. Without this argument, filabres avoids the repetion because it detects that there is already a file imagedb_cafos.json in the corresponding subdirectory night. By forcing the repetition we command filabres to override that file.

    Finally, it is possible to double check that the 4 images do not longer appear as classified as wrong-flat-imaging:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k quant500 -ks quant975 -k object \
    -k exptime --filter "800 < k[quant500] < 50000 and 'flat' in k[object].lower()"
    Total: 0 files
  4. Saturated images: in this case we list images classified as wrong-flat-imaging but with a QUANT975 above 60000 ADUs:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k exptime -k quant500 -k quant975 -k object \
    --filter "k[quant975] >= 60000"
       EXPTIME  QUANT500  QUANT975         OBJECT                                                                                      file
    1  45.0     51930.0   60050.0   [Skyflat]  r'  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170226-06:11:17-cal-krek.fits
    2  2.0      57062.0   64891.0    [Skyflat] g'  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170225_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170226-06:22:28-cal-krek.fits
    3  0.1      65531.0   65531.0   [flat] sky B   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170929_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170929-18:05:56-cal-wenj.fits
    4  0.1      65531.0   65531.0   [flat] sky R   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170929_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170929-18:06:46-cal-wenj.fits
    5  0.1      65531.0   65531.0   [flat] sky R   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170929_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170929-18:11:14-cal-wenj.fits
    6  0.1      60313.0   61806.0   [flat] sky R   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170929_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170929-18:12:02-cal-wenj.fits
    Total: 6 files

    These images are clearly saturated. You can display them using -pi:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k exptime -k quant500 -k quant975 -k object \
    --filter "k[quant975] >= 60000" -pi

    The first two images are similar to the following:

    Wrong flat-imaging image 1

    The next three images are similar to the following:

    Wrong flat-imaging image 2

    The last image is only saturated in some regions:

    Wrong flat-imaging image 3

    These six images will be ignored.

  5. The remaining 210 files correspond to science images with erroneous IMAGTYP set to flat:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k exptime -k quant500 -k quant975 -k object \
    --filter "800 < k[quant500] < 50000"
         EXPTIME  QUANT500  QUANT975                         OBJECT                                                                                      file
    1    60.0     898.0     946.0     HAT-P-12b B 60s                /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170518-22:21:06-cal-alex.fits
    2    60.0     898.0     946.0     HAT-P-12b B 60s                /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170518-22:22:33-cal-alex.fits
    3    60.0     898.0     946.0     HAT-P-12b B 60s                /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170518-22:23:59-cal-alex.fits
    Total: 210 files

    The OBJECT value in these images seems to indicate that they do not constitute calibration frames. These images correspond to two nights: 170518 and 170601. Actually, the first 175 files seem to be science images of the same sky region (include RA and DEC in the table) obtained in 170518:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k exptime -k quant500 -k quant975 -k object \
    -k ra -k dec -n 170518*
             EXPTIME  QUANT500  QUANT975           OBJECT         RA       DEC                                                                                      file
    1    60.0     898.0     946.0     HAT-P-12b B 60s  209.50799  43.39571  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170518-22:21:06-cal-alex.fits
    2    60.0     898.0     946.0     HAT-P-12b B 60s  209.50799  43.39571  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170518-22:22:33-cal-alex.fits
    3    60.0     898.0     946.0     HAT-P-12b B 60s  209.50798  43.39572  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170518-22:23:59-cal-alex.fits
    173  60.0     1415.0    1499.0    HAT-P-12b B 60s  209.50657  43.39647  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170519-02:31:34-cal-alex.fits
    174  60.0     1419.0    1506.0    HAT-P-12b B 60s  209.50654  43.39652  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170519-02:33:00-cal-alex.fits
    175  60.0     1425.0    1512.0    HAT-P-12b B 60s  209.50654  43.39658  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170519-02:34:26-cal-alex.fits
    Total: 175 files

    The (patient) visual inspection of these images show:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k exptime -k quant500 -k quant975 -k object \
    -k ra -k dec -n 170518* -pi
    Wrong flat-imaging, likely science 1 frame

    The 35 images from 170601 are also likely science frames:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k exptime -k quant500 -k quant975 -k object \
    -k ra -k dec -n 170601*
        EXPTIME  QUANT500  QUANT975                         OBJECT         RA       DEC                                                                                      file
    1   600.0    1354.0    1664.0    IC1396N ETALON+674/18          325.31573  58.37090  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-22:54:57-cal-pelm.fits
    2   600.0    1342.0    1648.0    IC1396N ETALON+674/18          325.32135  58.37090  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-23:06:07-cal-pelm.fits
    3   600.0    1330.0    1622.0    IC1396N ETALON+674/18          325.32152  58.37635  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-23:16:42-cal-pelm.fits
    33  30.0     1771.0    2105.0    IC1396W_2  R                   323.69004  57.58110  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170602-03:02:56-cal-pelm.fits
    34  30.0     1771.0    2105.0    IC1396W_2  R                   323.68997  57.58110  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170602-03:04:00-cal-pelm.fits
    35  30.0     1769.0    2107.0    IC1396W_2  R                   323.68998  57.58111  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170602-03:05:05-cal-pelm.fits
    Total: 35 files

    The visual inspection again reveals that this image set corresponds to science frames:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k exptime -k quant500 -k quant975 -k object \
    -k ra -k dec -n 170601* -pi
    Wrong flat-imaging, likely science 2 frame

    The easiest way to recover these 210 files erroneously classified as wrong-flat-imaging, and that we have deduced should be classified as science-imaging, is to modify the original FITS keyword IMAGETYP, initially set to flat, and reset it to science. This can be easily done by inserting the corresponding files in the configuration YAML file image_header_corrections.yaml, as will be explained below. Note that it would also be possible to force the classification of those images as science-imaging using the configuration YAML file forced_classifications.yaml, but the new approach seems more appropiate because it will also fix the wrong value of the FITS keyword IMAGETYPE and, in addition, filabres will check the corresponding requirements and requirementx for science-imaging.

    Since the number of files to be inserted in image_header_corrections.yaml is large (175 for night 170518 and 35 for night 170601), we are using a command line to generate a list of files suitable for cut and paste.

    For night 170518:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging  -n 170518* -lm basic
     - caf-20170518-22:21:06-cal-alex.fits
     - caf-20170518-22:22:33-cal-alex.fits
     - caf-20170518-22:23:59-cal-alex.fits
     - caf-20170519-02:31:34-cal-alex.fits
     - caf-20170519-02:33:00-cal-alex.fits
     - caf-20170519-02:34:26-cal-alex.fits
    Total: 175 files

    For night 170601:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging  -n 170601* -lm basic
     - caf-20170601-22:54:57-cal-pelm.fits
     - caf-20170601-23:06:07-cal-pelm.fits
     - caf-20170601-23:16:42-cal-pelm.fits
     - caf-20170602-03:02:56-cal-pelm.fits
     - caf-20170602-03:04:00-cal-pelm.fits
     - caf-20170602-03:05:05-cal-pelm.fits
    Total: 35 files

    These last two list of files starting by - can be easily cut and pasted into the image_header_corrections.yaml, so the contents of this file are:

      1# file image_header_corrections.yaml
      3# generated automatically by filabres v.1.3.0
      5# creation date 2023-03-10T18:19:57.373984
      8# erroneous wrong-flat-imaging: they are actually science exposures
      9night: 170518_t2_CAFOS
     10enabled: True
     12 - caf-20170518-22:21:06-cal-alex.fits
     13 - caf-20170518-22:22:33-cal-alex.fits
     14 - caf-20170518-22:23:59-cal-alex.fits
     15 - caf-20170518-22:26:08-cal-alex.fits
     16 - caf-20170518-22:28:43-cal-alex.fits
     17 - caf-20170518-22:30:10-cal-alex.fits
     18 - caf-20170518-22:31:36-cal-alex.fits
     19 - caf-20170518-22:33:03-cal-alex.fits
     20 - caf-20170518-22:34:29-cal-alex.fits
     21 - caf-20170518-22:35:55-cal-alex.fits
     22 - caf-20170518-22:37:21-cal-alex.fits
     23 - caf-20170518-22:38:48-cal-alex.fits
     24 - caf-20170518-22:40:14-cal-alex.fits
     25 - caf-20170518-22:41:40-cal-alex.fits
     26 - caf-20170518-22:43:06-cal-alex.fits
     27 - caf-20170518-22:44:32-cal-alex.fits
     28 - caf-20170518-22:45:58-cal-alex.fits
     29 - caf-20170518-22:47:25-cal-alex.fits
     30 - caf-20170518-22:48:51-cal-alex.fits
     31 - caf-20170518-22:50:17-cal-alex.fits
     32 - caf-20170518-22:51:43-cal-alex.fits
     33 - caf-20170518-22:53:09-cal-alex.fits
     34 - caf-20170518-22:54:36-cal-alex.fits
     35 - caf-20170518-22:56:02-cal-alex.fits
     36 - caf-20170518-22:57:28-cal-alex.fits
     37 - caf-20170518-22:58:55-cal-alex.fits
     38 - caf-20170518-23:00:21-cal-alex.fits
     39 - caf-20170518-23:01:47-cal-alex.fits
     40 - caf-20170518-23:03:13-cal-alex.fits
     41 - caf-20170518-23:04:39-cal-alex.fits
     42 - caf-20170518-23:06:05-cal-alex.fits
     43 - caf-20170518-23:07:31-cal-alex.fits
     44 - caf-20170518-23:08:58-cal-alex.fits
     45 - caf-20170518-23:10:24-cal-alex.fits
     46 - caf-20170518-23:11:50-cal-alex.fits
     47 - caf-20170518-23:13:16-cal-alex.fits
     48 - caf-20170518-23:14:42-cal-alex.fits
     49 - caf-20170518-23:16:09-cal-alex.fits
     50 - caf-20170518-23:17:35-cal-alex.fits
     51 - caf-20170518-23:19:01-cal-alex.fits
     52 - caf-20170518-23:20:27-cal-alex.fits
     53 - caf-20170518-23:21:54-cal-alex.fits
     54 - caf-20170518-23:23:20-cal-alex.fits
     55 - caf-20170518-23:24:46-cal-alex.fits
     56 - caf-20170518-23:26:12-cal-alex.fits
     57 - caf-20170518-23:27:39-cal-alex.fits
     58 - caf-20170518-23:29:05-cal-alex.fits
     59 - caf-20170518-23:30:31-cal-alex.fits
     60 - caf-20170518-23:31:57-cal-alex.fits
     61 - caf-20170518-23:33:24-cal-alex.fits
     62 - caf-20170518-23:34:50-cal-alex.fits
     63 - caf-20170518-23:36:16-cal-alex.fits
     64 - caf-20170518-23:37:42-cal-alex.fits
     65 - caf-20170518-23:39:08-cal-alex.fits
     66 - caf-20170518-23:40:35-cal-alex.fits
     67 - caf-20170518-23:42:01-cal-alex.fits
     68 - caf-20170518-23:43:27-cal-alex.fits
     69 - caf-20170518-23:44:53-cal-alex.fits
     70 - caf-20170518-23:46:19-cal-alex.fits
     71 - caf-20170518-23:47:46-cal-alex.fits
     72 - caf-20170518-23:49:12-cal-alex.fits
     73 - caf-20170518-23:50:38-cal-alex.fits
     74 - caf-20170518-23:52:05-cal-alex.fits
     75 - caf-20170518-23:53:31-cal-alex.fits
     76 - caf-20170518-23:54:57-cal-alex.fits
     77 - caf-20170518-23:57:05-cal-alex.fits
     78 - caf-20170518-23:58:31-cal-alex.fits
     79 - caf-20170518-23:59:57-cal-alex.fits
     80 - caf-20170519-00:01:23-cal-alex.fits
     81 - caf-20170519-00:02:50-cal-alex.fits
     82 - caf-20170519-00:04:16-cal-alex.fits
     83 - caf-20170519-00:05:42-cal-alex.fits
     84 - caf-20170519-00:07:09-cal-alex.fits
     85 - caf-20170519-00:08:34-cal-alex.fits
     86 - caf-20170519-00:10:01-cal-alex.fits
     87 - caf-20170519-00:11:27-cal-alex.fits
     88 - caf-20170519-00:12:53-cal-alex.fits
     89 - caf-20170519-00:14:19-cal-alex.fits
     90 - caf-20170519-00:15:46-cal-alex.fits
     91 - caf-20170519-00:17:12-cal-alex.fits
     92 - caf-20170519-00:18:38-cal-alex.fits
     93 - caf-20170519-00:20:04-cal-alex.fits
     94 - caf-20170519-00:21:30-cal-alex.fits
     95 - caf-20170519-00:22:57-cal-alex.fits
     96 - caf-20170519-00:24:23-cal-alex.fits
     97 - caf-20170519-00:25:50-cal-alex.fits
     98 - caf-20170519-00:27:17-cal-alex.fits
     99 - caf-20170519-00:28:43-cal-alex.fits
    100 - caf-20170519-00:30:09-cal-alex.fits
    101 - caf-20170519-00:31:35-cal-alex.fits
    102 - caf-20170519-00:33:02-cal-alex.fits
    103 - caf-20170519-00:34:28-cal-alex.fits
    104 - caf-20170519-00:35:55-cal-alex.fits
    105 - caf-20170519-00:37:21-cal-alex.fits
    106 - caf-20170519-00:38:47-cal-alex.fits
    107 - caf-20170519-00:40:13-cal-alex.fits
    108 - caf-20170519-00:41:40-cal-alex.fits
    109 - caf-20170519-00:43:06-cal-alex.fits
    110 - caf-20170519-00:44:32-cal-alex.fits
    111 - caf-20170519-00:45:58-cal-alex.fits
    112 - caf-20170519-00:47:24-cal-alex.fits
    113 - caf-20170519-00:48:50-cal-alex.fits
    114 - caf-20170519-00:50:16-cal-alex.fits
    115 - caf-20170519-00:51:43-cal-alex.fits
    116 - caf-20170519-00:53:09-cal-alex.fits
    117 - caf-20170519-00:54:35-cal-alex.fits
    118 - caf-20170519-00:56:01-cal-alex.fits
    119 - caf-20170519-00:57:27-cal-alex.fits
    120 - caf-20170519-00:58:53-cal-alex.fits
    121 - caf-20170519-01:00:20-cal-alex.fits
    122 - caf-20170519-01:01:46-cal-alex.fits
    123 - caf-20170519-01:03:12-cal-alex.fits
    124 - caf-20170519-01:04:38-cal-alex.fits
    125 - caf-20170519-01:06:04-cal-alex.fits
    126 - caf-20170519-01:07:30-cal-alex.fits
    127 - caf-20170519-01:08:57-cal-alex.fits
    128 - caf-20170519-01:10:23-cal-alex.fits
    129 - caf-20170519-01:11:49-cal-alex.fits
    130 - caf-20170519-01:13:16-cal-alex.fits
    131 - caf-20170519-01:14:42-cal-alex.fits
    132 - caf-20170519-01:16:08-cal-alex.fits
    133 - caf-20170519-01:17:34-cal-alex.fits
    134 - caf-20170519-01:19:45-cal-alex.fits
    135 - caf-20170519-01:21:11-cal-alex.fits
    136 - caf-20170519-01:22:38-cal-alex.fits
    137 - caf-20170519-01:24:04-cal-alex.fits
    138 - caf-20170519-01:25:30-cal-alex.fits
    139 - caf-20170519-01:26:55-cal-alex.fits
    140 - caf-20170519-01:28:22-cal-alex.fits
    141 - caf-20170519-01:29:48-cal-alex.fits
    142 - caf-20170519-01:31:14-cal-alex.fits
    143 - caf-20170519-01:32:40-cal-alex.fits
    144 - caf-20170519-01:34:07-cal-alex.fits
    145 - caf-20170519-01:35:33-cal-alex.fits
    146 - caf-20170519-01:36:59-cal-alex.fits
    147 - caf-20170519-01:38:25-cal-alex.fits
    148 - caf-20170519-01:39:52-cal-alex.fits
    149 - caf-20170519-01:41:18-cal-alex.fits
    150 - caf-20170519-01:42:44-cal-alex.fits
    151 - caf-20170519-01:44:10-cal-alex.fits
    152 - caf-20170519-01:45:36-cal-alex.fits
    153 - caf-20170519-01:47:02-cal-alex.fits
    154 - caf-20170519-01:48:28-cal-alex.fits
    155 - caf-20170519-01:49:55-cal-alex.fits
    156 - caf-20170519-01:51:21-cal-alex.fits
    157 - caf-20170519-01:52:47-cal-alex.fits
    158 - caf-20170519-01:54:13-cal-alex.fits
    159 - caf-20170519-01:55:39-cal-alex.fits
    160 - caf-20170519-01:57:06-cal-alex.fits
    161 - caf-20170519-01:58:32-cal-alex.fits
    162 - caf-20170519-01:59:58-cal-alex.fits
    163 - caf-20170519-02:01:24-cal-alex.fits
    164 - caf-20170519-02:02:50-cal-alex.fits
    165 - caf-20170519-02:04:16-cal-alex.fits
    166 - caf-20170519-02:05:43-cal-alex.fits
    167 - caf-20170519-02:07:09-cal-alex.fits
    168 - caf-20170519-02:08:35-cal-alex.fits
    169 - caf-20170519-02:10:01-cal-alex.fits
    170 - caf-20170519-02:11:27-cal-alex.fits
    171 - caf-20170519-02:12:53-cal-alex.fits
    172 - caf-20170519-02:14:20-cal-alex.fits
    173 - caf-20170519-02:15:46-cal-alex.fits
    174 - caf-20170519-02:17:12-cal-alex.fits
    175 - caf-20170519-02:18:38-cal-alex.fits
    176 - caf-20170519-02:20:05-cal-alex.fits
    177 - caf-20170519-02:21:31-cal-alex.fits
    178 - caf-20170519-02:22:57-cal-alex.fits
    179 - caf-20170519-02:24:23-cal-alex.fits
    180 - caf-20170519-02:25:50-cal-alex.fits
    181 - caf-20170519-02:27:16-cal-alex.fits
    182 - caf-20170519-02:28:42-cal-alex.fits
    183 - caf-20170519-02:30:08-cal-alex.fits
    184 - caf-20170519-02:31:34-cal-alex.fits
    185 - caf-20170519-02:33:00-cal-alex.fits
    186 - caf-20170519-02:34:26-cal-alex.fits
    188 - IMAGETYP: science
    192# erroneous wrong-flat-imaging: they are actually science exposures
    193night: 170601_t2_CAFOS
    194enabled: True
    196 - caf-20170601-22:54:57-cal-pelm.fits
    197 - caf-20170601-23:06:07-cal-pelm.fits
    198 - caf-20170601-23:16:42-cal-pelm.fits
    199 - caf-20170601-23:29:19-cal-pelm.fits
    200 - caf-20170601-23:30:24-cal-pelm.fits
    201 - caf-20170601-23:31:28-cal-pelm.fits
    202 - caf-20170601-23:38:56-cal-pelm.fits
    203 - caf-20170601-23:49:59-cal-pelm.fits
    204 - caf-20170602-00:00:43-cal-pelm.fits
    205 - caf-20170602-00:12:12-cal-pelm.fits
    206 - caf-20170602-00:13:17-cal-pelm.fits
    207 - caf-20170602-00:14:22-cal-pelm.fits
    208 - caf-20170602-00:19:25-cal-pelm.fits
    209 - caf-20170602-00:30:01-cal-pelm.fits
    210 - caf-20170602-00:40:41-cal-pelm.fits
    211 - caf-20170602-00:54:30-cal-pelm.fits
    212 - caf-20170602-00:55:34-cal-pelm.fits
    213 - caf-20170602-01:01:14-cal-pelm.fits
    214 - caf-20170602-01:13:10-cal-pelm.fits
    215 - caf-20170602-01:24:38-cal-pelm.fits
    216 - caf-20170602-01:36:43-cal-pelm.fits
    217 - caf-20170602-01:39:11-cal-pelm.fits
    218 - caf-20170602-01:40:24-cal-pelm.fits
    219 - caf-20170602-01:43:45-cal-pelm.fits
    220 - caf-20170602-01:55:03-cal-pelm.fits
    221 - caf-20170602-02:06:16-cal-pelm.fits
    222 - caf-20170602-02:17:44-cal-pelm.fits
    223 - caf-20170602-02:18:49-cal-pelm.fits
    224 - caf-20170602-02:19:54-cal-pelm.fits
    225 - caf-20170602-02:22:30-cal-pelm.fits
    226 - caf-20170602-02:34:59-cal-pelm.fits
    227 - caf-20170602-02:47:55-cal-pelm.fits
    228 - caf-20170602-03:02:56-cal-pelm.fits
    229 - caf-20170602-03:04:00-cal-pelm.fits
    230 - caf-20170602-03:05:05-cal-pelm.fits
    232 - IMAGETYP: science

    Ignoring the initial comment lines (starting by #), here we have created two blocks, separated by --- (the YAML block separator). Important: the separator must not appear before the first block nor after the last block. Within each block, the following arguments must be provided:

    • night: observing night. Note that wildcards can not be used here, although the same night label can appear in different blocks.

    • enabled: this key indicates that the files included in this block are going to be fixed. Setting this key to False allows to disable a particular block without the need of removing it from this file.

    • files: is the list of files to be fixed within the specified night. Although the list of files can be provided by given the name of each file in separate line, preceded by an indented - symbol, wildcards are also valid here.

    • replace-keyword: list of keyword: new-value (one entry in each line). For this case, only the keywords IMAGETYP is going to be set to science. This small change will modify the next image classification of the involved images.

    Once we have inserted the problematic images within this file, we can repeat the classification of these files. Since the images correspond to two different nights, it is necessary to repeat the classification in the corresponding nights (forcing the reduction with --force):

    $ filabres -rs initialize -n 170518* --force
    $ filabres -rs initialize -n 170601* --force

    Finally, it is possible to double check that the 210 images do not longer appear as classified as wrong-flat-imaging:

    $ filabres -lc wrong-flat-imaging -k exptime -k quant500 -k quant975 -k object \
    --filter "800 < k[quant500] < 50000"
    Total: 0 files

    In fact, the 175 files from 170518 appear now in the list of images classified as science-imaging:

    $ filabres -lc science-imaging -n 170518*
    1    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170518-22:21:06-cal-alex.fits
    2    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170518-22:22:33-cal-alex.fits
    3    /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170518-22:23:59-cal-alex.fits
    173  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170519-02:31:34-cal-alex.fits
    174  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170519-02:33:00-cal-alex.fits
    175  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170518_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170519-02:34:26-cal-alex.fits
    Total: 175 files

    The same is true for the 35 images from 170601:

    $ filabres -lc science-imaging -n 170601*
    1   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-20:37:01-sci-bomd.fits
    2   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-20:45:40-sci-bomd.fits
    3   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170601-20:50:37-sci-bomd.fits
    36  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170602-03:02:56-cal-pelm.fits
    37  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170602-03:04:00-cal-pelm.fits
    38  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170601_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170602-03:05:05-cal-pelm.fits
    Total: 38 files

    (Note that this last night contains 38 files and not 35: 3 science images do not belong to the set of files erroneously flagged as wrong-flat-imaging in the initial classification.)

Wrong science-imaging

These are the science-imaging images that passed the requirements set in configuration_cafos.yaml but not the requirmentx:

$ filabres -lc wrong-science-imaging
1   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170502_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170503-00:58:59-sci-alex.fits
2   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-03:57:08-sci-boeh.fits
3   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-04:04:16-cal-boeh.fits
32  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170528_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170528-16:37:50-cal-boeh.fits
33  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170627_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170628-01:15:04-sci-mirl.fits
34  /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171217_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171217-17:38:26-sci-bard.fits
Total: 34 files

To understand why these images have been classified in this category, we can display additional keywords:

$ filabres -lc wrong-science-imaging -k object -k imagetyp -k exptime -k quant500 -k quant975
                OBJECT IMAGETYP  EXPTIME  QUANT500  QUANT975                                                                                      file
1   HAT-P-12b B         science  0.0      698.0     727.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170502_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170503-00:58:59-sci-alex.fits
2   [IMG]RXCJ1913+7403  science  120.0    65531.0   65531.0   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-03:57:08-sci-boeh.fits
3   BIAS                science  0.0      674.0     690.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-04:04:16-cal-boeh.fits
4   BIAS                science  0.0      674.0     690.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-04:05:27-cal-boeh.fits
5   BIAS                science  0.0      674.0     690.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-04:06:38-cal-boeh.fits
6   BIAS                science  0.0      674.0     690.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-04:07:50-cal-boeh.fits
7   BIAS                science  0.0      674.0     690.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-04:09:02-cal-boeh.fits
8   BIAS                science  0.0      674.0     690.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-04:10:15-cal-boeh.fits
9   BIAS                science  0.0      674.0     691.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-04:11:27-cal-boeh.fits
10  BIAS                science  0.0      674.0     690.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-04:12:39-cal-boeh.fits
11  BIAS                science  0.0      675.0     691.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-04:13:51-cal-boeh.fits
12  BIAS                science  0.0      675.0     691.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-04:15:02-cal-boeh.fits
13  BIAS                science  0.0      672.0     688.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170527_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-16:34:04-cal-boeh.fits
14  BIAS                science  0.0      667.0     684.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170527_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-16:35:15-cal-boeh.fits
15  BIAS                science  0.0      668.0     685.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170527_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-16:36:27-cal-boeh.fits
16  BIAS                science  0.0      668.0     685.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170527_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-16:37:38-cal-boeh.fits
17  BIAS                science  0.0      668.0     685.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170527_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-16:38:50-cal-boeh.fits
18  BIAS                science  0.0      668.0     685.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170527_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-16:40:01-cal-boeh.fits
19  BIAS                science  0.0      668.0     685.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170527_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-16:41:13-cal-boeh.fits
20  BIAS                science  0.0      668.0     685.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170527_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-16:42:24-cal-boeh.fits
21  BIAS                science  0.0      668.0     685.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170527_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-16:43:36-cal-boeh.fits
22  BIAS                science  0.0      668.0     685.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170527_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-16:44:47-cal-boeh.fits
23  BIAS                science  0.0      667.0     683.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170528_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170528-16:27:05-cal-boeh.fits
24  BIAS                science  0.0      667.0     685.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170528_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170528-16:28:16-cal-boeh.fits
25  BIAS                science  0.0      667.0     684.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170528_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170528-16:29:28-cal-boeh.fits
26  BIAS                science  0.0      667.0     684.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170528_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170528-16:30:40-cal-boeh.fits
27  BIAS                science  0.0      667.0     684.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170528_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170528-16:31:51-cal-boeh.fits
28  BIAS                science  0.0      667.0     684.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170528_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170528-16:33:03-cal-boeh.fits
29  BIAS                science  0.0      667.0     684.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170528_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170528-16:34:15-cal-boeh.fits
30  BIAS                science  0.0      667.0     684.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170528_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170528-16:35:27-cal-boeh.fits
31  BIAS                science  0.0      668.0     685.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170528_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170528-16:36:39-cal-boeh.fits
32  BIAS                science  0.0      667.0     684.0     /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170528_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170528-16:37:50-cal-boeh.fits
33  IRAS18061-2505 I    science  900.0    33228.0   61843.0   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170627_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170628-01:15:04-sci-mirl.fits
34  HJ339 I             science  120.0    65531.0   65531.0   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171217_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171217-17:38:26-sci-bard.fits
Total: 34 files

Although a few of these images are saturated (just looking at QUANT500 and QUANT975), most of them are actually bias frames (with EXPTIME=0) wrongly acquired as science images.

It is possible to fix this error by using, again, the file image_header_corrections.yaml.

For the particular problem of the wrong science images that are actually bias exposures, the new contents of this file are (only the last part of the file is displayed):

236# erroneous science-imaging: it is actually a bias image
237night: 170502_t2_CAFOS
238enabled: True
240 - caf-20170503-00:58:59-sci-alex.fits
242 - IMAGETYP: bias
243 - OBJECT: bias
247# erroneous science-imaging: they are actually bias images
248night: 170526_t2_CAFOS
249enabled: True
251 - caf-20170527-04:04:16-cal-boeh.fits
252 - caf-20170527-04:05:27-cal-boeh.fits
253 - caf-20170527-04:06:38-cal-boeh.fits
254 - caf-20170527-04:07:50-cal-boeh.fits
255 - caf-20170527-04:09:02-cal-boeh.fits
256 - caf-20170527-04:10:15-cal-boeh.fits
257 - caf-20170527-04:11:27-cal-boeh.fits
258 - caf-20170527-04:12:39-cal-boeh.fits
259 - caf-20170527-04:13:51-cal-boeh.fits
260 - caf-20170527-04:15:02-cal-boeh.fits
262 - IMAGETYP: bias
263 - OBJECT: bias
267# erroneous science-imaging: they are actually bias images
268night: 170527_t2_CAFOS
269enabled: True
271 - caf-20170527-16:34:04-cal-boeh.fits
272 - caf-20170527-16:35:15-cal-boeh.fits
273 - caf-20170527-16:36:27-cal-boeh.fits
274 - caf-20170527-16:37:38-cal-boeh.fits
275 - caf-20170527-16:38:50-cal-boeh.fits
276 - caf-20170527-16:40:01-cal-boeh.fits
277 - caf-20170527-16:41:13-cal-boeh.fits
278 - caf-20170527-16:42:24-cal-boeh.fits
279 - caf-20170527-16:43:36-cal-boeh.fits
280 - caf-20170527-16:44:47-cal-boeh.fits
282 - IMAGETYP: bias
283 - OBJECT: bias
287# erroneous science-imaging: they are actually bias images
288night: 170528_t2_CAFOS
289enabled: True
291 - caf-20170528-16:27:05-cal-boeh.fits
292 - caf-20170528-16:28:16-cal-boeh.fits
293 - caf-20170528-16:29:28-cal-boeh.fits
294 - caf-20170528-16:30:40-cal-boeh.fits
295 - caf-20170528-16:31:51-cal-boeh.fits
296 - caf-20170528-16:33:03-cal-boeh.fits
297 - caf-20170528-16:34:15-cal-boeh.fits
298 - caf-20170528-16:35:27-cal-boeh.fits
299 - caf-20170528-16:36:39-cal-boeh.fits
300 - caf-20170528-16:37:50-cal-boeh.fits
302 - IMAGETYP: bias
303 - OBJECT: bias

Remember that the YAML separator --- must not appear before the first block nor after the last block.

Note that, for this particular problem with the wrong-science-imaging files, four new blocks have been created, one for each night. The parameter replace-keyword is defined with a list of keyword: new-value (one entry in each line), being the list constituted by the two keywords IMAGETYP and OBJECT. Both of them are going to be set to bias. This small change in these keywords will modify the next image classification of the involved images.

The list of files to be included in each of those four blocks have been generated using (note the change of night -n <night>):

$ filabres -lc wrong-science-imaging --filter "k[quant975] < 800" -n 170502* -lm basic
 - caf-20170503-00:58:59-sci-alex.fits
Total: 1 files
$ filabres -lc wrong-science-imaging --filter "k[quant975] < 800" -n 170526* -lm basic
 - caf-20170527-04:04:16-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-04:05:27-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-04:06:38-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-04:07:50-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-04:09:02-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-04:10:15-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-04:11:27-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-04:12:39-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-04:13:51-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-04:15:02-cal-boeh.fits
Total: 10 files
$ filabres -lc wrong-science-imaging --filter "k[quant975] < 800" -n 170527* -lm basic
 - caf-20170527-16:34:04-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-16:35:15-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-16:36:27-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-16:37:38-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-16:38:50-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-16:40:01-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-16:41:13-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-16:42:24-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-16:43:36-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170527-16:44:47-cal-boeh.fits
Total: 10 files
$ filabres -lc wrong-science-imaging --filter "k[quant975] < 800" -n 170528* -lm basic
 - caf-20170528-16:27:05-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170528-16:28:16-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170528-16:29:28-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170528-16:30:40-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170528-16:31:51-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170528-16:33:03-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170528-16:34:15-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170528-16:35:27-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170528-16:36:39-cal-boeh.fits
 - caf-20170528-16:37:50-cal-boeh.fits
Total: 10 files

Since the images affected by the erroneous keywords belong to four different nights, namely 170502, 170526, 170527 and 170528, we are going to repeat the full classification of all the images within only these four nights (forcing the reduction with --force):

$ filabres -rs initialize -n 170502* --force
* Number of nights found: 1
* Working with night 170502_t2_CAFOS (1/1) ---> 408 FITS files
* program STOP
$ filabres -rs initialize -n 17052[678]* --force
* Number of nights found: 3
* Working with night 170526_t2_CAFOS (1/3) ---> 52 FITS files
* program STOP

Initially 826 images were classified as bias frames. Now, after the inclusion of the new 31 images, this number has increased to 857:

$ filabres -lc bias
Total: 857 files

In parallel, the number of wrong-science-imaging frames has decreased to only 3 files (note the use of -pi argument to display the images on the screen; here we are sorting by the median QUANT500):

$ filabres -lc wrong-science-imaging -k object -k imagetyp -k exptime -ks quant500 -k quant975 -pi
2  IRAS18061-2505 I    science  900.0    61843.0   33228.0   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170627_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170628-01:15:04-sci-mirl.fits
1  [IMG]RXCJ1913+7403  science  120.0    65531.0   65531.0   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/170526_t2_CAFOS/caf-20170527-03:57:08-sci-boeh.fits
3  HJ339 I             science  120.0    65531.0   65531.0   /Volumes/NicoPassport/CAHA/CAFOS2017/171217_t2_CAFOS/caf-20171217-17:38:26-sci-bard.fits
Total: 3 files

The first image in this list is a scientific exposure with many saturated stars. We are going to ignore it:

Wrong science-imaging 1

The last two images are clearly saturated and useless.

Wrong science-imaging 2 Wrong science-imaging 3